Bon Macaron Patisserie

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New Flavour: Salted Caramel & Hazelnut!

Macarons, Newest, FlavoursBon Macaron

And this week's new flavour is... (*drumroll*)... Salted Caramel & Hazelnut! Salted Caramel is one of our pretty-much-always-in-patisserie-case flavours, and we thought we'd try giving it a nutty twist. We are reeeaaaaallly happy with this one—it's a must-try. So... come try it!! :) It's now available at all Bon Macaron Patisseries.

Salted Caramel (much like macarons!) is a tradition from France that hit global markets as a big, sudden trend... but then never went away because, really, it's just too darn wonderful and delicious to let go of. If you're curious about how salted caramel first broke into the global culinary spotlight The New York Times, God bless them, has a very in-depth article about this, and apparently macarons help pave the way:

In the case of salted caramels, the influence came directly from France. Heavily salted butter caramels are a traditional treat in Brittany. More recently, Pierre Hermé, the Parisian pastry chef known for his experimentation, invented a salted caramel macaron that inspired a small cult among American food professionals in the late 1990s.


Read the full article here!