Bon Macaron Patisserie

Curious about our current flavours? Have a peek on the Our Flavours page!

Halloween at Bon Macaron

Flavours, NewestBon Macaron

Happy Halloween!! We have 3 excellent reasons for you to brave the weather this dark and stormy All Hallow’s Eve. 1) Our new flavour this week is CARAMEL APPLE. (We're kind of excited.)

2) We've finished our hand-decorated Spooky Macarons!

3) Bon Macaron Trick or Treating is officially in effect!! Kids under 12 in costume get a free macaron and big kids—otherwise known as adults—in costume will find an extra macaron in every 6 pack they purchase!

We're open today until until 6 today in Victoria and Kits, and until 7 at Granville Island so you've still got time to stock up on treats!